Families searching for a nanny online in Colorado find the process frustrating and costly on many levels.
Updated: 09/03/2024

The True Cost of an Online Nanny Search for Families

Written By: Jami Dennis

In light of the recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) settlement involving Care.com, and the subsequent $8.5 million dollar settlement, families and caregivers alike are questioning the reliability and role of big online platforms in their search. What’s the true cost of searching for a nanny on an online list-serve? While there’s no placement fee, as there would be with a reputable staffing agency, doing it yourself comes at a cost, for you and your children.

The Perils of Online Nanny Search

A DIY nanny search is often a drain on busy parents’ time, energy and resources. With potentially thousands of unverified profiles, parents must invest significant time into screening candidates. Additionally, the burden of vetting countless caregiver profiles also falls on you – taking up hours and increasing the risk of hiring an unqualified nanny to care for your children. And not to be overlooked, families attempting a DIY search are left to navigate the complexities of employment laws and taxes without professional help which could lead to costly errors. Even canceling subscriptions can become a headache. While DIY is a great option for many things, it’s proven to be a less than ideal approach for finding a professional nanny.

No Placement Fee, but Definitely Not Free

The hidden costs of an online nanny search go far beyond mere inconvenience for families. Here are just a few of the pitfalls families have shared with us regarding their attempt to find a nanny online:

  1. Extended Timeframes: What starts as a “quick online search” often stretches into 2-3+ months of frustration.
  2. Lost Productivity: Parents often spend countless hours, even weeks, screening profiles with little success.
  3. Emotional Toll: The increased stress and anxiety associated with the stress of a DIY search can impact all areas of your life. 
  4. Safety Risks: Inadequate vetting processes can put your children at risk, a cost that’s impossible to quantify.
  5. Reliability Issues: DIY hires often end prematurely, forcing families to restart their search and potentially face childcare gaps.
  6. Hidden Expenses: Platform subscriptions, background checks, and potential legal fees for non-compliance can add up to thousands.

Using a Nanny Agency is an Investment in Your Family’s Future

In a world where big online platforms prioritize numbers over people, ABC is different. Our approach to your nanny search is fundamentally different from online list-serves like Care and results in carefully tailored, long-lasting matches.

ABC’s experienced staff will save you time by managing the entire search process, from initial screening to thorough background checks. Honed over the last 30 years, our vigorous vetting process ensures every nanny meets our high standards for experience, qualifications, and character. ABC’s pricing is also transparent. There are no hidden fees or subscription traps. Further, our trusted industry partners work closely with ABC clients to navigate legal compliance. And last but not least, our team is here to provide ongoing support throughout the placement process and beyond, offering peace of mind and continuous assistance to both families and nannies.

Ready to experience the difference that comes from working with a experienced local agency?

Contact us today and take the first step towards finding the perfect nanny or childcare provider for your family. Your time, safety, and satisfaction are our top priorities.

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